Corporate Social Responsibility

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It all started when…

We realized the power of the private sector to impact society and the environment. Only 17 percent of our country’s $20.5 trillion GDP is attributable to federal, state, and local government—far too small a contribution to effect lasting societal and environmental change. Private direct investment and personal consumption make up 86 percent of GDP (figures are for 2018 per the Bureau of Economic Analysis). Thus, it is private firms and individuals who hold meaningful economic power to influence the future of society and our environment.

We have chosen to use ISO 26000 as a framework to integrate social responsibility into our firm’s values and practices.

In the end, all aspects of business decisions involve economic, social, moral, and ethical considerations. Our primary role as managers is to balance these considerations in prioritizing the myriad interests that have a stake in our firm’s operations. We practice strategic CSR—which is not about activities that are peripheral to the firm, such as philanthropy; it is also not about redefining or reinventing capitalism; it is about the operational decisions that we make day-in and day-out.